About the conference

The National Safe Motherhood Conference is an annual scientific conference organized by Ministry of Health and its Partners. It was launched in 2021 and it has since been held annually.
The conference agenda is to provide a comprehensive and engaging experience for attendees, with a mix of expert speakers, interactive sessions, and opportunities for networking and collaboration.

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Conference dates

Join us from 29th to 31st October 2024 for the main event. Register now to be a part of this exciting experience.

In person

Experience the conference in person, register now to secure your spot for a live attendance

Group registration

Maximize your savings and experience by registering in a group of 10 or more people, contact us for exclusive discounts and benefits.


The National Safe Motherhood conference will feature an impressive lineup of guest speakers who are leading experts in the field of maternal health and maternal health care. Join us as we hear from these knowledgeable speakers, who will share their insights and expertise on topics related to maternal health and maternal health care.

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Alfred Andreou
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Tom Martin
Government official
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Marie Adams
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Marie Adams
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Tom Martin
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Tom Martin
Health care administrator
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Tom Martin
Public health specialist
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Alfred Andreou

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